Director: Uli Edel
So, I passed this one up for a long time. It clearly looked like a lifetime original movie for women. Well, I wasn't all that wrong. This is the story of Arthur, Camelot, Merlin etc. except told from a woman's perspective. More precisely from Morgaine's perspective.
That's not to say I completely hated this movie. In fact, It wasn't half bad. There's not alot of action, but there's some. The acting is very good. The movie looks great. There was just a little too much boredom here.
As far as the tale of King Arther goes, this changes things up quite a bit. Morgaine isn't the villain here. In fact, she's pretty much a good guy. There is some amount of magic, but not alot. Merlin is here, but he's more of a seer than a wizard.
The limited amount of action shown was done very well, and the ending was pretty damn good. This being a TV movie, obviously, there is no nudity to be had, but Julianna Margulies is quite easy on the eyes.
I would recommend this for a watch. Try to look over the "Lifetime" aspects and enjoy a well written, well acted story.
The Cast
Joan Allen ... Morgause
Hans Matheson ... Mordred
Michael Byrne ... Merlin
Clive Russell ... Gorlois
Hugh Ross ... Bishop Patricius
Ian Duncan ... Accolon
Noah Huntley ... Gawain
Tony Curran ... Uther's Captain
Odd casting: only Arthur and Morgan age, and Igraine looks younger than her adult daughters -specially, Vivianne could be Igraine's mother!