Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Mists of Avalon (TV 2001)

Based on the bestseller by Marion Zimmer Bradley It tells the story of the women behind King Arthur; including his mother, Igraine; his half-sister, Morgaine; his aunt Viviane, the Lady of the Lake; and his wife, Gwenwyfar.

Director: Uli Edel


So, I passed this one up for a long time.  It clearly looked like a lifetime original movie for women.  Well, I wasn't all that wrong.  This is the story of Arthur, Camelot, Merlin etc. except told from a woman's perspective.  More precisely from Morgaine's perspective.

That's not to say I completely hated this movie.  In fact, It wasn't half bad.  There's not alot of action, but there's some.  The acting is very good.  The movie looks great.  There was just a little too much boredom here.

As far as the tale of King Arther goes, this changes things up quite a bit.  Morgaine isn't the villain here.  In fact, she's pretty much a good guy.  There is some amount of magic, but not alot.  Merlin is here, but he's more of a seer than a wizard.

The limited amount of action shown was done very well, and the ending was pretty damn good.  This being a TV movie, obviously, there is no nudity to be had, but Julianna Margulies is quite easy on the eyes.

I would recommend this for a watch.  Try to look over the "Lifetime" aspects and enjoy a well written, well acted story.

The Cast

Clive Russell ... Gorlois

Hugh Ross ... Bishop Patricius

Ian Duncan ... Accolon

Tony Curran ... Uther's Captain

1 comment:

  1. Odd casting: only Arthur and Morgan age, and Igraine looks younger than her adult daughters -specially, Vivianne could be Igraine's mother!
